长城的修建持续了两千多年,根据历史记载,从公元前七世纪楚国筑“方城”开始,至明代(1368-1644年)共有20多个诸侯国和封建王朝修筑过长城,其中秦、汉、明三个朝代长城的长度都超过了5千公里。如果把各个时代修筑的长城加起来,总长度超过了5万公里; 如果把修建长城的砖石土方筑一道1米厚、5米高的'大墙,这道墙可以环绕地球一周有余。
根据历史记载,从战国以来,有20多个诸侯国和封建王朝修筑过长城。最早是楚国,为防御北方游牧民族或敌国,开始营建长城,随后,齐、燕、魏、赵、 秦等国基于相同的目的也开始修筑自己的长城。秦统一六国后,秦始皇派著名大将蒙恬北伐匈奴,把各国长城连起来,西起临姚,东至辽东,绵延万余里,遂称万里长城,这就是“万里长城”名字的由来。但今天我们所见到的主要是明长城。
汉代继续对长城进行修建。从文帝到宣帝,修成了一条西起大宛贰师城,东至黑龙江北岸,全长近一万公里,古丝绸之路有一半的路程就沿着这条长城,是历史上最长的长城。 到了明代,为了防御鞑靼、瓦刺族的侵扰,从没间断过长城的修建,从洪武至万历,其间经过20次大规模的修建,筑起了一条西起甘肃的嘉峪关,东到辽东虎山,全长6350公里的边墙。(但据报道,1990年一个徒步走完长城全长的中国人的计步器显示的是6700公里。)
长城有极高的旅游观光价值和历史文化意义。现在经过精心开发修复,山海关、居庸关八达岭、司马台、慕田峪、嘉峪关等处已成为驰名中外的旅游胜地。 蹬高远眺,凭古怀幽,古战场的金戈铁马似乎就在眼前。如今,长城与埃及的金字塔,罗马的斗兽场,意大利的比萨斜塔等同被誉为世界七大奇迹,是中华民族古老文化的丰碑和智慧结晶,象征着中华民族的血脉相承和民族精神。
the great wall is the world heritage and spirtual
symbol of china.it winds its way through the northern part of china,with a total length of over 6350 kilometers and all over 16 provinces,municipalities and autonomous regions.
due to the well-kept part of the great wall inside beijing,
beijing became the best location for visiting it.who knows
how many people's aspirations have been inspired by the sentence"if you haven't climbed up the great wall, you are not
a real man"!badaling great wall lies not far away from north of qinglong bridge of yanqing county,and its location
is called jundu mountain.
hello, tourists. i'm your guide. my name is lin tian. you can call me xiaolin. we came to the great wall known as "world heritage".
the great wall is made up of many stones. one stone weighs two or threejin. the sunken crenels on the wall are used for lookout. the openings under thecrenels are called shooting ports. the place we are standing now is calledchengtai. there are also lookout ports and shooting ports, under which weaponsand grain can be put. the great wall is like a long, wide road. five or sixhorses can run in parallel.
it is said that a long time ago, there was a woman who was called mengjiangnu. her husband was caught by the officers and soldiers to build the greatwall. so meng jiangnu searched for her husband thousands of miles and finallyfound the great wall. when she asked, she knew that her husband had died longago. meng jiangnu was helpless and let go crying in front of her husband'sgrave. finally, she cried down the great wall.
let's play by ourselves, but pay attention to safety, protect culturalrelics, and gather at the foot of the great wall in an hour.
dear tourists
hello, i'm your guide today: liu kunyang, you can call me liu dao. todayi'm going to show you around this place,
as we all know, that is the great wall like a dragon.
the great wall is a key cultural relic in china. it was listed in the worldheritage list in december 1987, which is also the pride of the chinesepeople.
looking at the great wall from a distance, it is like a long dragon windingbetween the mountains. from shanhaiguan in the west to jiayuguan in the east, itis 21196.18 kilometers long.
let me tell you a legend about the great wall: the name of this legend ismeng jiangnu crying great wall. once upon a time, there was a girl named mengjiangnu in the state of qin. her husband was fan xiliang. on the day they gotmarried, she broke into several yamen servants and grabbed her husband fanxiliang. it turned out that the first emperor of qin was sending a large numberof farmers across the country to build the great wall. a year later, fan xilianghad no news.
jiang nu couldn't eat and sleep. in a hurry, she made cotton padded clothesand traveled thousands of miles to build the great wall. but when meng jiangnugot there, she realized that her husband had already died. so she burst outcrying, crying for three days and three nights. her cry was earth shaking, andthe great wall collapsed 800 miles long. later, meng jiangnu jumped into therough sea and killed herself. tourist friends, what a moving story it is! thegreat wall has condensed the blood and sweat of millions of working people!
dear tourist friends, do you know that the stone we step on now weighs twoor three kilograms. at that time, there were no trains, cars or cranes. do youknow how these stones were brought up? that is, they were carried up the steepmountains step by step by countless shoulders and hands. dear tourists, thegreat wall is very beautiful. i can't say enough about it. next, please enjoy itcarefully. ok, now disband! gather here in an hour!
one day .i went to the great wall.i got on the bus in the early morning. on my way to the great wall, i saw lots of new buildings being built here and there.beijing is changing a lot every day.
after two hours the great wall appeared before my eyes.i saw that some foreigners also visted the great wall.the great wall was so wonderful that i could not help cheering. at once i started towards the top. i were very glad to be heroes in the end. i found that my classmates visited the great wallhow great the great wall is! we were proud of the great wall and the people who had built it. and we made our mind to work harder than before. we will try our best to make our motherland richer and stronger.